Wellness Check Services
Staying Safe in Unsafe Times

We are all in this together – but we really
don’t need to be !
As more and more offices implement temperature screenings, questionnaires and all different ways to try and remain safe they all have one thing in common – they all risk exposure to a possibly infected employee or visitor by having a staff member collect questionnaires, take their temperature or ask them questions.
With Wellness Check Systems proprietary PASS System, you can be sure that everyone’s temperature is checked, appropriate CDC based questions are asked and that each person has acknowledged the absence of all signs and symptoms before they enter your office.
With the addition of one of our on-site medics, you can be assured that everyone is visually assessed professionally. Any questions will be answered that visitors or employees may have, and a secondary assessment will be performed if necessary.
PASS®: Physical Assessment Screening System
Step #1 – Our 10 second app, which can be completed anywhere, asks all of the right questions and confirms the location that the person will be going to.
All of this BEFORE anyone comes to your office.

Step #2 – If all questions are answered with an acceptable yes/no response, the user is immediately provided with a unique QR code…
… and is then prompted to proceed to the Temperature screening Station at your office.

Step #3 – Once at your location, the person simply shows the QR Code to the Temperature Screening Device and their temperature is taken immediately.
We have passed the test!
and our system is …
HIPAA Compliant
ADA Compliant
Very Affordable
FDA Registered
100% Contact Free
CDC Compliant
Weather resistant and approved for use in direct sunlight
Wellness Check Service’s PASS System can be configured in several ways to accommodate your business’s most acceptable practices.
Complete Discretion:
- No information recorded at all
- Only reading the pre-approved QR code and an immediate temperature check will be given.
- Facial recognition allowing only authorized persons to enter your location.
- Facial recognition permits access only if a person is wearing a mask (if required at your location), and has an acceptable temperature reading.
- PASS can easily be integrated with your employee or visitor access system to record all screenings and to deny access to those who do not have a valid QR code or acceptable temperature reading.
- Our system can be configured to send an email, text or other notice to your HR Dept., Security or other responsible person when an employee is denied access because their temperature is above acceptable limits.
Our system will …
Allow your employees complete privacy OR report all abnormal screenings to HR, Security or other persons with the need to know.
Keep all of your employees safely away from anyone entering your location who may be infected.
Be configured for use by visitors to your office.
Ask all of the most relevant and current CDC recommended questions regarding COVID-19 Signs and Symptoms.
Detect if person is wearing a mask if they are required to do so before entering the premises.
Help to reduce the exposure and slow the spread of COVID-19 to your employees.
Be a very affordable and reliable peace of mind to everyone at your office.
Eliminate the need for multiple attendants or medical staff at the same address to monitor all persons entering the premises – one EMT can be stationed to monitor all entry ways.

Easy Set-up
Just plug the unit into any electrical outlet and it is ready to go.
3 convenient mounting options

Countertop Option
Wall Mounted Option

Free-standing Option
No Personal Contact • No Wait Time • Increased Security
• No Personal Contact
• No Wait Time
• Increased Security
Fast & Convenient COVID-19 Wellness Check Services
To be efficient and comply with CDC and Best Practices, a proper COVID-19 Wellness Assessment consists of 3 separate and distinct evaluations: CDC recommended health survey, temperature check and visual assessment. All of which should be monitored by a qualified health care specialist which we can provided at every location.
This three step process assures that all persons coming on site have been properly screened to reduce the possibility of exposure from COVID-19.
Safe Workplace Temperature Checks
The COVID-19 Wellness Check Services system provides safe and efficient temperature checks and helps reduce the chance of any of your employees or others becoming exposed to someone who may have the virus while they are performing these checks.
Quick & Easy Testing
The combination of our Mobile check in process and extremely fast on site temperature screening system assures you that all persons have been checked appropriately within seconds.
Wellness Check Service’s PASS system can be beneficial for small or large businesses.
Wellness Check Services system can provide COVID-19 wellness checks for locations of any size – from small offices to large multi occupancy buildings, construction sites, Movie & TV Productions and even hotels and resort locations.
Wellness Check Services has given our company a great advantage when opening up again. Our employees feel appreciated, and as safe as possible in a workplace setting.
James T.
CEO – National Facilities Manager